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Social and Behavioral Sciences Majors

Communication Sciences and Disorders

语言病理学家是评估和治疗与语音产生有关的问题的卫生保健专业人员, comprehension and production of language, cognition, voice, stuttering, swallowing, 以及由于各种病因导致的人一生的听力.  布雷西亚提供语言病理学和听力学领域的预专业学士学位,包括课堂学习和实地或实习经验,在积极的学习环境中接受教育的学生中拥抱个性.

Total Requirements: 120 credit hours


历史是任何文科教育的一门基础学科, 其目的是帮助学生了解文化的发展, societies, 以及那些形成了我们生活的世界的思想. In addition, 历史的研究为各种职业提供了坚实的基础, including law, teaching, journalism, and government.

Total Requirements: 120 credit hours

Political Science

政治学研究政府与个人之间的关系, group behaviors related to domestic and international conflict and cooperation; processes and parties involved in domestic policymaking; and issues and actors involved in the international environment. 政治学还帮助学生理解他们作为当地公民的权利和责任, states, countries, and the world. 政治科学学士学位为学生提供了一个全面了解政治科学学科主要领域的机会. 该学位为学生在当地广泛的工作做好准备, state, and federal governments; domestic and international nonprofit organizations; law, business, and journalism sectors, 并教育他们成为负责任和有知识的公民. Furthermore, 选择在学士学位之后继续接受教育的学生将为专业研究生院做好充分的准备, research, and teaching programs.

除了一般的政治学学位, 学生可以选择美国政府/公共管理或国际关系的重点.

Total Requirements: 120 credit hours


As part of a liberal arts education, 心理学专业将帮助学生获得对他们所生活的世界的一般知识和理解. 该课程的总体目标是为学生提供历史基础, principles, and methods of the science of psychology. Specifically, a psychology major at Brescia University has three goals: 1) to provide the student with the opportunity to study the ways in which psychology describes and explains both animal and human behavior; 2) to provide the student the opportunity to learn how psychology is applied, 3)为考虑心理学研究生训练的学生提供坚实的本科基础. 这些目标是通过理论处理来实现的, the application of theory, 各种心理学课程的研究方法, 并有机会亲身体验心理学原理在该领域的实际应用.

Total Requirements: 120 credit hours

Social Studies

社会研究学位是一门跨学科的课程,涉及人的各个方面. 这样的学位提供了比单一学科更广阔的视野, 和/或为中学教师提供几个领域的能力.



Total Requirements: 128 credit hours